It would make sense for me to have moved on with my life.
But it still haunts me.
I still see the impact on my life of the earthquake in Haiti.
Every day.
It has truly changed the way I live.
It's been a lesson in self-discovery.
I didn't realize how crucial the Haiti aspect of my life was to my overall contentment.
I can't not have that as a constant part of my existence.
This morning, I listened to a speaker who was comparing Haiti's earthquake to 9/11.
I was honestly surprised at how strongly I reacted.
My whole body tensed up.
I was legitimately angry at him.
I shouldn't be angry. I realize that he just doesn't understand.
But I couldn't shake it.
2,819 people died in 9/11. [0.00001% of the US's population at the time.]
230,000 people died in Haiti. [2.8% of Haiti's population.]
The estimated cleanup cost from 9/11 is $600 million.
The projected cleanup cost in Haiti is $1 billion.
1,506,124 tons of debris was removed from the World Trade Center site.
An estimated 60,000,000 tons of debris is yet to be removed in Port-au-Prince.
I'm not trying to diminish the calamity of what happened on September 11, 2001.
I realize that the scope of thousands of people's lives was forever changed on that day.
There is no way to rectify or justify the attacks.
But please understand, there's no comparison between the two events.
Port-au-Prince has essentially ceased to exist.
"When arriving at a large tent city downtown, our police escort said, 'There is no more Port-au-Prince.' Heartbroken, she stayed inside the truck." -@troylivesay (January 21, 2010)
I can understand your frustration & pain my sister. I too feel this way everyday. You are not alone : ) I love you.
I too feel like my life has changed so much since Jan. 12. My heart aches and longs to be back in Haiti just to know for myself that my kids, friends, and family in St. Ard are ok. I know other people have been since then and tell me that all is well, but I have a great need to see it for myself.
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