God has been hurt by me.
I've caused God pain.
I've caused God sadness.
I've caused Him grief.
Who am I to feel as though I have the right to mistreat God?
The Creator of infinity.
The Lover of all.
The only One who won't ever hurt me.
Yet I've hurt Him.
And I've been selfish enough to think that I have a higher agenda than what He has for me.
Awesome. Why do I do this?
I defame His name. His existence. His creation. His world.
It's all so sacred. It's His Love. His bridegroom. The one thing He loves more than anything else.
And I treat it as insignificant. Unimportant. Irrelevant. Worth nothing.
He experiences human emotion. And I've caused Him to experience some of those emotions that no human wants to have to endure.
If no human would want to endure them, surely we wouldn't wish them on a God who has never been anything but good.
But we do.
Not only do we wish them upon the One benevolent God, we inflict them upon Him.
I am the cause of God's grief.
And He is the cause of my joy.
There's nothing that's fair about that.
But I suppose that's a prime example of the character of God.
While I was choosing to hurt Him, God chose to be humiliated and brutally murdered for me. [Romans 5:8]
It's not fair.
But that's grace.
It's overwhelming sometimes.

"God didn't come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people alive."
-Aaron Bryant
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